instagram recap | december 2018

This month was pretty empty on instagram…so much so that I actually had to pull some images from my camera roll. December was busy and full of family but I did realize that I took a lot more time to just be present in what we were doing and didn’t do a lot of documenting. That’s a good thing…and a bad thing. It’s great to just experience the moment but I love looking back through my images and remembering all of the things that we were experiencing.


When I look back through these images I see lots of good memories, time with family and a few images that I knew that I wanted to get but didn’t take the time to do it properly. Either I was worried that I was in the way, or that someone would think I was being silly or that the kids just weren’t interested. There used to be a time when I would do whatever was needed for the shot but I’ve somehow lost a bit of that. No more.

January will be a mix of enjoying the moment, getting out and experiencing new things and making sure that I take the time to look around and notice the little details and document our lives a bit better.

If we’re not friends on Instagram I would love to be! What are you going to be sharing this month?
