insta recap

instagram recap | january 2019

I finally feel like I’m getting back on track with getting photographs of my life and my kiddos. This month Instagram was full of images to choose from to make a great Instagram recap. I love going back through the images and reliving our memories.


I love that there were big moments (a new 15 year old in the house + a great college visit for the big) and lots of everyday moments. Lots of basketball too, which I love. I love seeing the seasons through sports in my feed every year.

I still need to work on getting more of myself in the images, but I’m proud of myself for asking my sister to take some pics of my daughter and I at the record store and also getting my daughter to take some photos of me…if you aren’t getting in your images, please make an effort to do so.

Are you on Instagram? You can find me here for our daily lives and here for my oils account. I would love to connect and be IG friends!


instagram recap | december 2018

This month was pretty empty on instagram…so much so that I actually had to pull some images from my camera roll. December was busy and full of family but I did realize that I took a lot more time to just be present in what we were doing and didn’t do a lot of documenting. That’s a good thing…and a bad thing. It’s great to just experience the moment but I love looking back through my images and remembering all of the things that we were experiencing.


When I look back through these images I see lots of good memories, time with family and a few images that I knew that I wanted to get but didn’t take the time to do it properly. Either I was worried that I was in the way, or that someone would think I was being silly or that the kids just weren’t interested. There used to be a time when I would do whatever was needed for the shot but I’ve somehow lost a bit of that. No more.

January will be a mix of enjoying the moment, getting out and experiencing new things and making sure that I take the time to look around and notice the little details and document our lives a bit better.

If we’re not friends on Instagram I would love to be! What are you going to be sharing this month?


instagram recap | september 2018

This past year has been crazy and busy and full of new things and somewhere along the way I stopped documenting our lives quite as much. The kids are all so busy - often out doing their own things…so what do I take photos of now? I’ve been trying to work on making more of an effort this past month but I can see that I’m still falling short of where I want to be. This month (hello October!!) I’m looking forward to a new month with new goals on getting the images of our daily lives that I love.


Why is documenting our daily lives so important to me? I often forget these days, or just think that it’s ok not to take the photo or make the post. But when I look back at a series like the one I did 4 years ago on my Carrie Owens Photography blog (31 days of documenting your everyday life) I see so many amazing things that I’m grateful that we have the images that I would take of the family. Do my kids get tired of me asking to take their photos? Maybe. But I know that they appreciate it, it’s a little reminder to them that they are important. That their story is important. And it is.

For October my goal is to post something on my instagram (carrieowensdaily) of our daily life everyday. Which means a lot of football and polo and basketball. And a lot of days of me at home working or out doing “boring stuff”. The challenge that I am giving myself and would like to challenge you is to look for the little things in the everyday. The things that you will for sure forget in a couple of years time. Capture the big moments, of course, but look for the in between moments. What little details tell the story of your everyday life in October of 2018? I’m excited to tell the story of our next 31 days.

happy instagramming,


instagram recap | january 2018

I've always been a huge fan of documenting our daily lives. As the kids have gotten older, the photos tend to get fewer and farther in between...but the moments are still happening. I think that it is so important to keep taking those photos - even if they are mostly of the same things each day - and to really work on stretching myself to see these daily little pieces of our lives for the truly amazing moments that they are.

There is a lot of basketball in those photos - and swimming. This month I really want to work on getting images that tell a different story about those events. Getting out of my comfort zone. What angles do I need to take, how close up should I get - what little details can I capture? What will best show our lives as they are at this moment.

The thing that I'm most excited about these that they're printed (along with others) and going into my Project Life album for 2018. Not only is it important to take the images, but it's so important that they live outside of my phone and instagram.

Happy photo taking + life documenting - get out there and see how you can tell the story of your family today!


instagram recap | july edition

July wasn't too heavy in the instagram department and I think that is directly related to my inability to stick to #thebethadillychallenge. Also, it was a busy month with a trip to Lake Powell - yay! - and the Utah State Swim Meet for my kids. I had been doing great with this project for months and I love it...but for some reason I've really slowed down and have become entirely too inconsistent.

Here's the collage of my favorite photos from July:

Now that we're a couple weeks into August I can say that I'm somewhat back on track. But come September, I'm challenging myself to really focus! I love the challenge that Beth has put together and I find that it really does push me creatively on my photography. Who's going to join me? It's not too late to pick up and start any time. Make sure that when you post you use the hashtag #thebethadillychallenge on instagram when you post your image - and if you've got some time, scroll through the feed to find some great inspiration!!

Happy Instagramming!

xo, c

ps...are you already following me on instagram? If not - I am cophotography on Instagram