eo | oils + emotions

When I started with essential oils my goal was to make the house smell good and to maybe get some better sleep…those were both big wins from the start. I had no idea about the other great benefits that these little bottles held for me and for my family.


I saw so many moms on Instagram talking about making tantrum rollers and finding ways to help their toddlers feel better or their own postpartum selves feel better. I didn’t think that I needed the support that they were looking for…my kids were 14, 15 and 17 and I was far from postpartum. But I was dealing with huge emotions. For myself and my kids…we were all navigating new things and none of us were fully equipped to handle most of it.

At first I was not incredibly consistent with my oils other than diffusing…I wasn’t sure what to do or really how they could help me. I remember being at work one day and feeling off without any real reason as to why. I had brought my diffuser to work that day but was hesitant to set it up (oh the hassle!) but in the afternoon figured why not? I diffused some Joy and Grapefruit and put it out of my mind other than just enjoying the scent. Driving home that evening I realized I was singing in the car…those darn oils had turned my mood around and without even thinking about it I was back to my old self. Did they really work? They did for me and from that day forward I looked at the oils a little differently. I looked at how they could help my physical and my emotional self.

How are you feeling?

There are so many different oils and different combinations of oils that it can be confusing and many people just throw up their hands and say…not for me. But be patient, give them a try. I am sure that you will soon see and feel the benefits. Not all oils do the same things for everyone and not everyone even likes the same oils. Be creative and adventurous. Try new things and new combinations and soon you’ll find exactly what works for you in the moment. Below are some of my favorites that I reach for based on how I’m feeling at the time.


Feeling like you have things you want to do but can’t find the desire to get moving? A few that might help get you going are: Citrus oils like Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Tangerine and Orange, Peppermint, Jade Lemon, Lemon Myrtle, Neroli, Rosemary, Spearmint, Awaken, Believe, Build Your Dream, Citrus Fresh, Clarity, Common Sense, En-R-Gee, Envision, Fulfill Your Destiny, Highest Potential, Inner Child, Into The Future, Joy, Live With Passion, Live Your Passion, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Oola Grow and Valor.


Feeling like things are out of control? Some of my favorite oils to combat stress are: Bergamont, Cypress, Lavender, Lime, Frankincense, Patchouli, Peppermint, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Joy, Peace + Calming, Citrus Fresh, Gentle Baby (not just for babies!!), Gratitude, Hope, Oola Balance, Release, Sacred Mountain, Sara, Stress Away, Surrender, Transformation and White Angelica.

fearful or Low confidence

Have that unsettled feeling? Don’t feel like you have the courage or confidence to go after what you want? A big test coming up for your child or a big game? Maybe a big presentation for you? When I’m needing a little boost in the confidence department I reach for motivating oils (see above) and some of my favorite blends as follows: Bergamont, Clary Sage, Orange, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Rose, Roman Chamomile, Acceptance, Aroma Life, Awaken, Believe, Build Your Dream, Envision, Harmony, Highest Potential, Hope, Inspiration, Joy, Oola Fun, Peace + Calming, Sacred Mountain, Sara, Stress Away, Valor and White Angelica.


Grouchy and snapping at people at every turn? There’s an oil for that, too…in fact there are plenty. Use these oils to bring on a happier mood and keep the good vibes going strong: Cedarwood, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Bergamont, Jasmine, Orange, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lemon, Lime, Tangerine, Acceptance, Aromaease, Aroma Life, Awaken, Brain Power, Citrus Fresh, En-R-Gee, Forgiveness, Gathering, Gentle Baby, Gratitude, Grounding, Harmony, Humility, Inner Child, Joy, Oola Family, Oola Fun, Release, Sacred Mountain (it really does all of the things…for me), Sara, Stress Away, Valor and White Angelica.


You can use these as a starting point, add more drops for rollers or sprays…get creative and get in control of your feelings.


What have you found works the best for turning your emotions around? Being consistent with your oils helps so very much. These oils can help whether you diffuse them, sniff them right out of the bottle, roll them straight from your bottle or make a blend that is just right for you. Get creative and try new things, I would love to hear what you come up with and what has worked for you.
