eo | ditch + switch tips

One of the best things about being a Young Living member and having a monthly wellness box (Essential Rewards) is that we have slowly started removing the products in our home that aren’t in line with our current health goals.


If you’re wondering what exactly I mean with a monthly wellness box, check out this post that’s all about essential rewards here on the blog. We’ve been getting them for over a year now and between the things that I’m ordering that we need and the free promos, it adds up to a lot of items that give us the opportunity to rid our home of chemicals where we can…and that’s the key. It doesn’t have to be overnight or all at once…do what you can when you can.


There are many areas of your home that you can ditch the chemical ridden products in your home and switch them out with healthier and cleaner versions from Young Living. The biggest and most obvious for us has been getting the candles and the fabreeze out of our home and using diffusers with blends that smell better than my favorite candles and room sprays that I can’t taste - good stuff all around!

  • diffusers instead of candles

  • easy diy room sprays instead of air fresheners

  • simple diy perfumes (or even just using your favorite oil) instead of perfume

  • Thieves Household Cleaner instead of literally every other cleaner I was using

  • Thieves Laundry Detergent instead of the popular “clean” detergent pods

  • easy diy face serums instead of expensive name brands with added…ingredients

  • savvy minerals makeup instead of the many brands that I was using prior

  • Zyng + NingXia + Nitro instead of popular energy drinks

  • get creative and see what other things you can switch out in your home

And the best part about adding these items to your monthly wellness Essential Rewards box is that you build up points to use on future quick orders - getting more products for free! Who would want to pass that up?

Don’t think that once you become a Young Living member that you need to make a huge change and investment and switch everything over. Instead, as you run out of something in your home, transfer that purchase from wherever you would typically buy it and add it to your ER order for the month. The other great thing about Young Living’s products is that they are super concentrated and you can stretch your dollar even further. I always dilute my laundry detergent, my shampoo and body wash…and the number of drops in a bottle of essential oils that I can use to create my favorite candle scents is much more cost effective than some of those big beautiful candles.


Here are some of my favorite go-to blends to replace my favorite candle scents. Get creative and find combinations that you love. Pinterest is a great resource if there is something in particular that you’re looking to recreate. Blend 01 below is my absolute favorite, try it!



I buy all of my containers on Amazon because they have a huge assortment and I’m impatient and I love free 2 day shipping.

Have you already started switching out items in your home for cleaner options? What has been your favorite switch? For me, I grew up on dryer sheets…and had no idea the chemicals that are on them. I love knowing that the dryer balls are healthier and cleaner for my family…and the cats think they’re awesome when one escapes the dryer.

If you’re already a member and wanting to get your Essential Rewards set up, send me a message and I’ll help you get started. If you’re not a member yet, come join my team, we would love to have you!
