5 second rule | review

I read this book, The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, some time ago but thought that it was a great book to revisit. I’ve been struggling a bit with getting myself out of bed when I want to and knew that I needed to re-read this book. It was exactly what I needed.


I first heard of Mel Robbins via a Ted Talk about getting out of your own way. I loved her way of speaking and really valued her story. I knew I needed to read her book. If you haven’t heard of her, take some time and go watch her Ted Talk, it’s well worth it.


The premise is simple…I already have the tools needed, already have the dreams and desires. I’m just lacking the discipline to keep going. Her no nonsense approach helps me take the guesswork and the excuses out of my day…when I’m focused. Everyone loses focus every now and then (at least that’s what I’m telling myself) so getting back to these basics is perfect for me. One of my favorite quotes is above and the theory behind it is to give yourself little wins…get out of bed when the alarm goes off, make your bed, stay true to your word. Doing this builds confidence in yourself. You become the kind of person who does what they say they will do - even when you’re just saying it to yourself.


I loved her chapter on worry. I struggle with worry and find that it distracts me from so much, especially following my dreams…that and procrastination. And she talks about that, too. She quotes William Wordsworth - “to begin, begin”. It’s so simple. Her information about procrastination was very eye opening for me. And when I understand it better and how my mind is playing tricks on me, it’s easier to push past my procrastination and stress.

I love that her book is all about courage, finding the courage, creating the courage and that this courage can change your life…in little ways that add up to huge change. If you haven’t read her book, I encourage it for those that are feeling stuck, when you know what you need to do but keep hesitating, sabotaging yourself or just not putting one foot in front of the other. 5-4-3-2-1 yourself into a better you.

Have you read her book? I would love to hear your thoughts as well…and what book did you pick up next??
