09 | exercise routines for self care

When I planned my year of self care I thought that I would surely have my workout routine down by now…but when this week approached and I realized that I didn’t I thought about switching it out for a week later in the year…and that’s when I knew it was best to keep it where it was.


Exercise has always been something I’ve struggled with. I’m such an all or nothing person and when I find something to try I go all in…until I’m all out. I’ve tried so many different things, even participated in a couple sprint triathlons…crazy, huh? I’ve done all of the aerobics, lifting, personal trainer, home workouts and anything else you might be able to think of. But nothing that I’ve tried has been able to keep me motivated long enough to create a lasting habit.

I didn’t grow up working out or exercising on a daily basis…I was involved in basketball as a little kid and briefly in high school. I hated PE - especially those runs that we would have to go on in class. I love the idea of working out…but the time it takes, the sweating that’s involved and the energy…not really my thing. But getting strong, being strong and being able to move, that I love. But never really enough to keep going. It’s just not ever a priority to my life. But as I get older (and less able to move freely or lose weight as easy as I’d like) I know that a good exercise routine is vital to my self care and well being. My struggles with exercise is one of the biggest reasons that I love that my kids are so involved in sports and physical activity. They love it and struggle when they aren’t doing at least one sport at a time. I’m grateful that they have created that habit already.


I have some health and fitness goals that I’ve been working on, trying to find the footing that best suits my life at the moment. Trying and hoping to get the habits solidified so that I can keep going even when life throws me a curve ball…because exercise is typically the first thing to go for me.

  1. rowing - I’m lucky enough to have a great rowing machine in my garage (alongside other exercise equipment)…it’s time to start using it again. Rowing is great for overall fitness and strength. It’s gentle enough on my knees and makes me feel stronger quickly after just a few days in. I’m planning on starting slow - 3 days a week and building up.

  2. yoga - one of my biggest struggles as I age is my inability to move as quickly or as easily as when I was younger. My flexibility is not great and that effects me in my work as a photographer. If I could slowly improve this it would make many areas of my life much easier. I’m going to be using Yoga with Adriene that has some amazing videos for all levels. And I’m at the lowest level there is here. But instead of giving up like I usually would, I’m taking note of where I am now and looking forward to where I will be with some consistent work. I’m starting with some general videos of hers and starting her March calendar of daily yoga on Friday.

  3. water - I know this isn’t exactly exercise but drinking more water and less coffee (which is the only other thing I’m drinking right now other than NingXia) helps me stay focused on my goal…and keeps me walking in the house more often :)


What have been your successes with sticking to an exercise routine? What do you find helps you and what roadblocks do you often face? I know that a consistent exercise routine - that I will stick to - is vital to my self care. And feel free to ask me how it’s going if you see me…I’m going to need the encouragement!
