Life is about the journey.


Life is about being the best version of yourself that you can be…at any age. It’s about striving for progress over perfection. About chasing your dreams and knowing that you’re capable of so much. It’s about knowing it’s never too late to take that big leap. It’s about choosing to keep going when you think it might be time to coast.

It’s about taking time for yourself, taking care of yourself and documenting the lives of those that we love. Especially ourselves. Tell your story, find beauty in the mundane. Take a moment to look around and hopefully find a little inspiration along the way.

All photography provided by Carrie Owens Photography



Overall wellness is so important in ones life. Self care for your mind, body and soul are vital in your happiness and life. Click through to see more information on the 10 week self care challenge.

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Everyday life is made up of stories. Big stories and small stories that shape who we are as a person. Click through to see more information on 10 Weeks of Documenting Your Life with Teens.

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Do you have big dreams? Small dreams? It’s so important to have goals and dreams in your life…and it’s never too late to chase them. Create a plan and see where it takes you. 

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